Look carefully to see which vehicles in the image are the same and listen to the recognisable sound.
Target audience
Look carefully to see which animals in the picture are the same and hear them roar or growl!
Touch the twinkling star and draw a picture in the stars. What will it be? Explore ideas together!
Work together and touch the floating puzzle piece to complete the puzzle. Who recognises the animal?
Work together and touch the floating puzzle pieces to complete the puzzle. What vehicle is it?
Move your hands over the colouring picture and paint mandalas and animals with beautiful colours.
Slide the autumn leaves aside to find the ladybugs. Found them all? Then they'll do a little dance!
Enjoy the summer sun and the sea on the white beach and dig for hidden treasures in the sand.
Rub the caterpillars, help them grow and transform them into beautiful coloured butterflies.
Puncture the colourful bubbles and let them burst into a magical cloud full of cheerful sounds.