Claims and effects

With Tovertafel we want to achieve effects that have a positive influence on the well-being of our players, their loved ones, teachers and carers. Claims we make can be substantiated by (scientific) research. Below you will find a list of our references.

Would you like to know more about the studies we conduct?





Effects on players
• Increases physical activity (1,3,4,6-8)
• Breaks through apathy (1,3,5)
• Reduces restless and tense behaviour (2-5)
• Reduces negative emotions (1,3-5) and increases positive emotions (3-7)
• Increases social interaction (3-8) and enjoyment (3-7)
• Increases alertness and focus (6-8)

Effects on care staff
• Improves relationships between care workers and residents (4,5)
• Promotes interaction and helps to make contact (4,5)
• Increases work pleasure (3,4)

Effects on family and friends
• Makes visits more enjoyable and meaningful (4,5)
• Increases possibilities for activities during visits (4,5)



  1. Le Riche H, Visch VT, Sonneveld MH, Goossens RHM. The Tovertafel: evaluation of an activating game for people with moderate to severe dementia. In: Anderiesen Le Riche H. Playful design for activation [PhD Thesis]. Delft: TU Delft; 2017. p.154-162. available at Proefschrift_HLR_digital.pdf
  2. Bruil L, Adriaansen MJM, Groothuis JWM, Bossema ER. Kwaliteit van leven van verpleeghuisbewoners met dementie voor, tijdens en na het spelen met de tovertafel. Tijdschrift voor Gerontologie en Geriatrie 2017; 49(2):72-80. doi: 10.1007/s12439-017-0243-3
  3. Kuipers M. The effect of Tovertafel Original on quality of life in elderly people with mid to late stage dementia. A qualitative study [Unpublished Master Thesis]. Leiden: Leiden University Medical Center; 2018.
  4. Su Y. The Tovertafel: Evaluation of the Impact of the activating game on the Caregivers of People with Dementia [Unpublished Master Thesis]. London: University College London; 2018.
  5. Good A, Omisade O, Ancient C, Andrikopoulou E. The use of interactive tables in promoting wellbeing in specific user groups. Submitted.
  6. Talman L and Gustafsson C. Evaluation of Tovertafel UP. Västerås (Sweden): Mälardalen University, School of Health, Care and Social Welfare, Health and Welfare; 2020. Available at smash/get/diva2:1415974/FULLTEXT01.pdf
  7. Kwant B. De Tovertafel Special. Een onderzoek naar de acute effecten van een interactief spel op mentale-en lichamelijke activiteit bij oudere mensen met een verstandelijke beperking. Deventer: Saxion Hogeschool Deventer, Toegepaste Psychologie; 2016. [Unpublished Bachelor Thesis].
  8. Jacops S. Effecten van de Tovertafel (up) bij personen met een verstandelijke beperking. Antwerpen (België): Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool Antwerpen; 2018. [Unpublished Bachelor Thesis]