Quack! Rescue as many ducklings as you can and return them to their mother.
Target audience
As you move your hands across the table, a trail of coloured mist appears. Something is hidden in there...
The paddling pool is filled with bubbles! Play with them or look for the toys in the water.
Push the cheerful fish to the candy together without hitting the spines and watch it change!
Whose turn is it to make the UFO disappear? Let it burst apart in a colourful cloud. It's magic!
Push the ball across the table towards the goal of the other team. GOAL! Whoop and cheer to celebrate!
Hit the moles on their heads as they come out of their holes and earn as many points as you can.
Enjoy the colourful dust particles that shoot in all directions as you move your hand over them.
Reveal enchanting colours, sounds and stars by moving your arm or body over the rainbow.
Touch the twinkling star and draw a picture in the stars. What will it be? Explore ideas together!